Friday, October 16, 2009

New Blog Schedule

So I've been thinking a lot about how I can improve my blog and what not. I've been keeping an eye on my google analytics and browsing other blogs and I came across some ideas I'd really like to adapt to my blog. It will help me plan my posts better to where I can write them out ahead of time and you guys will know what to expect.

Let me know what you guys think of this schedule. If you have a favorite blog of mine you would like to see more of please by all means let me know. I'd be happy to write about subjects you guys would like to see more of.

Monday - Weekly Update. I'm going to try not to update on a daily basis and I have broke that habit. I will update my progress and give a run down of my week.

Tuesday - Becoming an Auctioneer. My lessons learned playing the AH and how to go from a nobody to a tycoon in the AH. Expect to see different ah tactics and what not in these posts.

Wednesday - Tools of the Trade. Yep that's right. I'm turning this into a weekly thing where I'll pick 1-2 addons and write about them. Here's a teaser, Since KTQ is now on curse I've decided to write a review and a guide on how to use it. Due to knowing Kevmar I'm not rushing this so it'll be "soon" as I want it to be up to his standards. But it is coming. :)

Thursday -Low Level Auctioneer. Liked my 1-29 guide on things to sell while leveling? This will be similar and since 30+ are areas you can actually farm I'll dedicate posts to certain zones and areas for more details. Will even include low level profession recipes to make money off of and the sort.

Friday - Behind the Scenes. Liked my Behind the scenes Inscrption and JC posts? This will be a weekly topic now where I take part of my AH business and break it down and talk about it.

Saturday & Sunday - These will be random posts. Reviews, Guest posts, Speculation and the sort. Since I'm usually busy in real life over the weekends typically more then other days posts on these days will be random. Plus it'll give me time to write up new blogs for the week.

Now while that is a guideline to the posts during the week that is not the only things I'm going to post. Some days I'll post an extra item if I get a tip or something that I feel you need to know by the weekend or something that can't wait. Kev told me how to queue up blogs to where they post automatically. My new goal is to have blogs post on their own at 12:01 every night (Pacific Time, GMT -08:00).

This new schedule will go into effect Monday and I will take the weekend to get a head start on the posts. If you would like a guest post for this weekend feel free to write one up and email it to me at carbon42202 @ yahoo . com

Like always let me know what you think about this schedule and what not. I look forward to hearing your feedback.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like one of the hottest topics is talking about posting schedules! ;)

    Always nice to have some consistancy though, especially in posting times.
