Monday, October 12, 2009

Feedburner Added

Just letting you all know I've been toying around with Feedburner. It allows you to subscribe by email / etc. I'm still playing with the different options / etc so bare with my dust :)

Mind as well give a brief update. 13 hours and I'm still d/e'ing. I have 30ish crates left and have 200ish stacks of infinite dust (14k @ 70g a stack). /wrist


  1. I have found the Subscribe To works the best for me. Nice and easy to add to Google Reader.

    I'm using Feedburner to get a cleaner feed for my site, made it really easy to add the new blogs.

  2. Yea I love playing around with different things. So when Tella explained how to get it I was intrigued :P
